Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ready, Set, GO!!!'s 2012 and I'm finally getting ready to follow my long time dream of becoming a photographer!  I've been snapping pictures for as long as I can remember!  My kids and their friends often think of me as the mamarazzi.  I begged and pleaded for so long to get a nice camera, that wish finally came true on Christmas day of 2010!  Since then, I have been shooting even more and am currently taking classes online through the New York Institute of Photography. At the end of this course, I will be a certified photographer.  So many exciting things are in store for me in the new year, I can just feel it!  I look forward to practicing on friends.  I hope some of you will allow me to use you as guinea pigs.  I also hope to begin shooting clients.  I am so excited to see where this all goes for me! 
© Photos by Yuki

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