Thursday, February 23, 2012

NYIP Unit 2 Submissions

WOW!  I had such a hard time with the assignments for Unit 2.  I took tons of pictures, over the course of 3 months, before I finally decided on some!  I am so hard on myself and kept second guessing all the images.  Well, the envelope has been sealed and is well on its way to New York City so there is no turning back now!  With my fingers crossed, hoping for a good review, I am going to get started on my unit 3 projects.
Photo #1 ~ Rule of Thirds
Photo #2 ~ Framing
Photo #3 ~ Leading Lines

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sarah and Max

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of photographing the sweetest mommy and her two year old son!  We met at the park and it started out as a beautiful Saturday afternoon in February, but the temperature quickly dropped as the afternoon went on.  Max is such a happy, active guy!  I spent the time following him around as he played and managed to sneak in a few of him with his mommy.  Thanks for keeping me on my toes Max!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Little Miss A

I had such a fun morning practicing my skills on the sweetest little 6 month old with the most beautiful blue eyes!  Little Miss A was so happy and full of smiles, especially when her daddy walked into the room!  I so appreciate her family allowing me to come into their beautiful home to photograph their beautiful princess this morning!!!

© Photos by Yuki

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