Friday, August 31, 2012

The Lucado Family

This adorable family had me over to their gorgeous house where we had a fantastic time getting some traditional posed shots, as well as many candid, real-life shots (my personal favorite)!  Immediately after arriving, it was evident how much love there is between them.  They are seriously, some of the sweetest  people I have ever met!  Thank you Lucado family, for allowing me to photograph you!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tha Calvin Family

I had the opportunity to photograph this adorable family, from the great state of Texas, while they were in town visiting family.  They are so musical and much of our session was spent singing and dancing.  It was easy to see that music is such a big part of their lives and I was honored to be able to capture some of these "real-life" moments.  Thanks Calvin Family!

© Photos by Yuki

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